Judith Godwin

Judith Godwin News: EXHIBITION | Action, Gesture, Paint: Women Artists and Global Abstraction, 1940 - 1970, December 20, 2023

EXHIBITION | Action, Gesture, Paint: Women Artists and Global Abstraction, 1940 - 1970

December 20, 2023

Ethel Schwabacher, Woman: Red Sea, Dead Sea, 1951, oil on canvas, 31x37 in

Action, Gesture, Paint: Women Artists and Global Abstraction, 1940 - 1970
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany
December 2, 2023 - March 3, 2024

Kunsthalle Bielefeld presents an extensive global show that for the first time in Europe focuses on the work of female artists and their role in the development of abstraction after 1945. The movement we now describe as “Abstract Expressionism” officially began in the mid-20th century in the United States. But around the world, artists* explored parallel approaches to abstraction through materiality, expressivity, and gesture, from Informel to Arte Povera, from calligraphic abstraction and Gutai in East Asia to experimental, deeply political practices in Central and South America, North Africa, and the Middle East.

Judith Godwin News: ARTICLE | Female artists take centre stage in 2023, December 20, 2023 - Florence Hallett for The New European

ARTICLE | Female artists take centre stage in 2023

December 20, 2023 - Florence Hallett for The New European

Perle Fine, Painting No. 56, c. 1954, Oil on canvas, 60 x 56 in 

Action, Gesture, Paint, Women Artists and Global Abstraction 1940–70
Whitechapel Gallery, London
February 9 - May 7, 2023

"Perhaps the most dramatic was at the Whitechapel Gallery in London, where the curators of Action, Gesture, Paint defenestrated the aggressively white American male domain of Abstract Expressionism to champion an entire generation of 81 international artist women. We’re not talking second-rate copycats: painters like Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler, Perle Fine and Judith Godwin were a respected part of the New York scene, promoted alongside Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock by the painter and gallerist Betty Parsons." - continue reading 


Judith Godwin News: The Armory Show’s VIP Preview Opened With Brisk Sales and a Lot of Chatter About the Fair’s Future, September  8, 2023 - Eileen Kinsella for Artnet News

The Armory Show’s VIP Preview Opened With Brisk Sales and a Lot of Chatter About the Fair’s Future

September 8, 2023 - Eileen Kinsella for Artnet News

New York gallery Berry Campbell had a standout booth, a curated presentation of 12 postwar women artists. The gallery has a distinct focus on re-examining underrepresented women artists of the 20th-century. Gallery owner Christine Berry called it “an incredible day,” noting high demand for artists including Alice Baber, Bernice Bing, and Lynne Drexler.

Works by Drexler sold for $885,000 and $200,000; the artist, who has been drawing intense interest, will likely be the subject of a traveling institutional retrospective at some point in the near future. A work by Baber went for $200,000—Berry Campbell hopes to mount a solo show of the artist next year.

Later on in the day, the gallery let Artnet News know that a painting by Ethel Schwabacher had been sold for $195,000.  

Judith Godwin News: Whitechapel Gallery offers thrilling landmark show of female abstract artists — review, February  1, 2023 - Jackie Wullschläger for Financial Times

Whitechapel Gallery offers thrilling landmark show of female abstract artists — review

February 1, 2023 - Jackie Wullschläger for Financial Times

Pioneering non-figurative work by women from all over the world gets its due in an exuberant London exhibition.


Judith Godwin Included in WE FANCY: A Legacy of LGBTQIA+ Artists at the League

November 29, 2022

Judith Godwin Included in WE FANCY: A Legacy of LGBTQIA+ Artists at the League
Curated by Eric Shiner
Art Students League of New York
October 27 - November 27, 2022
View Works by Judith Godwin


Judith Godwin News: ON VIEW:  Judith Godwin at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., July 18, 2022 - National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

ON VIEW: Judith Godwin at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

July 18, 2022 - National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

Judith Godwin
Seated Figure, 1955
Oil on canvas
83 x 47 inches
Collection of National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

View Works by Judith Godwin