
News: Berry Campbell Now Representing the Estate of Syd Solomon (1917-2004), October  2, 2014

Berry Campbell Now Representing the Estate of Syd Solomon (1917-2004)

October 2, 2014

Berry Campbell Now Representing the Estate of Syd Solomon (1917-2004).

An Abstract Expressionist painter of vibrant, multilayered paintings, Syd Solomon held important roles in the art communities of Sarasota, Florida, and East Hampton, New York.

News: Berry Campbell Now Representing the Estate of Stephen Pace, October  2, 2014

Berry Campbell Now Representing the Estate of Stephen Pace

October 2, 2014

Berry Campbell is pleased to announce the exclusive representation of the estate of Stephen Pace (1918-2010), an artist whose career spanned the last half of the twentieth century.  His oeuvre adds to the gallery’s growing presence as a showcase for the work of established and mid-career artists who carry on the modernist tradition.  Berry Campbell’s first exhibition of Pace’s art, featuring abstract expressionist paintings from the 1950s, will open on October 16, 2014.

News: Berry Campbell paintings featured at the new LOWY showroom, September 30, 2014

Berry Campbell paintings featured at the new LOWY showroom

September 30, 2014

Berry Campbell paintings featured at the new LOWY showroom including, Gertrude Greene, Ken Greenleaf, Syd Solomon and William Perehudoff

News: Sensory Impact: American Abstract Artists, September  9, 2014

Sensory Impact: American Abstract Artists

September 9, 2014

SENSORY IMPACT: American Abstract Artists

Panel discussion moderated by Professor, Max Weintraub.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 5:30 to 9:00 PM at the Morgan Stanley Global Headquarters, Purchase, New York. 

The Panel includes Alice Adams, Christine Berry, Phillis Ideal, Stephen Maine, and Stephen Westfall.

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News: The Year in Review at Berry Campbell, August 27, 2014 - Piri Halasz

The Year in Review at Berry Campbell

August 27, 2014 - Piri Halasz

I have long maintained that abstraction is the most radical art form we have – newer in its ambiguous essence than all the smart little toys that have come along since--such as video, installations and performance. In all of these toys, the representational and/or recognizable are reinstated, which to me is a step back from the true frontier. 

But of course, abstraction is tough—not easily assimilated. That is why, despite all of its distinguished history and its many talented practitioners, it is still a minority art form.

On the other hand, you might never guess this essentially beleaguered status from the hundreds of folks who have been streaming through the Chelsea gallery of Berry Campbell, this newest and brightest HQ for quality abstraction.

News: Eric Dever's work featured in "Get On Up" a biopic on James Brown, July 30, 2014 - Universal Studios

Eric Dever's work featured in "Get On Up" a biopic on James Brown

July 30, 2014 - Universal Studios

Eric Dever's paintings are in the new James Brown biopic produced by Mick Jagger for Universal Pictures. The movie opens on Friday, August 8 2014.  Stop by the gallery to see his paintings in person.   

News: Featured Gallery on, July 15, 2014

Featured Gallery on

July 15, 2014

Berry Campbell is now a featured gallery on

News: Eric Dever in Chelsea, July 10, 2014 - East Hampton Star

Eric Dever in Chelsea

July 10, 2014 - East Hampton Star

An exhibition of paintings by Eric Dever, who lives and works in Water Mill, will open today at the Berry Campbell Gallery in Chelsea and run through Aug. 9. Mr. Dever has pursued intensely focused investigations into the methods and materials of painting for more than a decade. In the past his compositions were largely geometric, including concentric circles graded from dark to light and variations on the grid. His most recent work has broadened into free shapes and tactile surfaces, the starting point for which was a rose in his garden that he deconstructed.


Eric Dever & Jodie Manasevit

July 2, 2014 - Berry Campbell Gallery Press Release

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, July 10, 2014. Berry Campbell is pleased to announce an exhibition of paintings by Eric Dever and Jodie Manasevit.  The opening reception will be held on Thursday, July 10 from 6 to 8 pm.

News: ...And Passion, June 24, 2014 - Piri Halasz

...And Passion

June 24, 2014 - Piri Halasz

The other show at Berry Campbell is very different (even if coloristically it harmonizes nicely with Vecsey’s work). This show is paintings by James Walsh.

Walsh belongs to a generation born nearly 20 years before Vecsey (in 1954), but he is still a generation younger than some of those artists who established reputations in the 1960s (such as Poons, born 1937, and Bannard, born 1934. Walsh is still more removed from Noland, Olitski and Frankenthaler, all born in the 1920s).